Image by Cesar R. via Flickr
His headaches are getting bad. He's sleeping more in the afternoon, sometimes until 8pm at night because his head hurts and his toes keep cramping.
And I just wish they'd call already for his MRI so we can check the grey matter in his brain and make sure there are no complications with his brain injury.
On a happy note though: Both DH and I are looking forward to picking up our son next week, my (stepson) Cole is going to be staying with us for two weeks!
The boys are so utterly excited about seeing him and bringing him back here. So are my parents who haven't met their new grandson, despite DH and I being married for five years. Cole was a bit shy to do overnight visits, but now it seems he's excited and we know he's going to have a good time here.
We plan on taking the boys camping, to Dinotown, Waterslides and maybe even into Vancouver to the Aquarium, before heading back to K-town to drop him off and spend a weekend there so Gamerboy can see his dad who lives up there.
Ahhh I love blended families, so much love and fun and travel heh heh...
Cole is turning seven this year and PB (pickleboy) can't wait to see him. PB is old enough now to know as we've telling him he has another brother (Cole) and although he's still too little to truly understand the fundamentals of having a blended family.
He's sooooooooooo excited!
We are sure there will be major romps and fights over who gets to love or spend time with Cole the most lol. I look forward to every minute!
I've been feeling like crap lately. Not quite sure why really. I'm a girl so ahem yeah -- I have my precious bitchy moments that make complete and absolute no sense whatever.
Like today for instance. Everything was bothering me. I mean at one point I sat on the couch just glaring at DH cooking in the kitchen and I thought:
Jeez I wish he'd just stop breathing!WTF kind of wife wishes her husband would stop breathing? Well-- apparently me! And I cannot even tell you why other than I got angry he rinsed off the hot dogs because he'd added too much oil and only wanted to make sure they weren't too greasy while cooking us our meal.
The Asstasburd! The nerve of some people heh?
I know COO-COO right?
I went upstairs to take a bath and DH immediately followed me up. My head was pounding and I was so irritated. He just stared at me while I wrinkled in the bubbles waiting for a response as to why I'd turned into the wicked witch of Abbey all of a sudden and I know he was politely thinking ...
Could you take the big stick out of your ass honey and tell me WTF I did wrong because it's uncomfortable leaning back on this knife you've kindly stabbed into my back for no reason!I couldn't explain it to him, other than to say it comes down to stress. I just finished my period, money is tight right now, we haven't had sex in nearly a month. Okay it feels like a month and we get no time to ourselves.
I know call the WAMBBBBBBBBBBBULANCE, right?
But seriously I'm in overload and worried about him and the kids, add in lack of money and time spent together and it turns me into an anger ball with a gianormous headache that makes me feel like screaming loud at the top of my lungs.
I did manage to calm down though, once I got some Advil into me, compliments of SM (shoelessmommy) TY hun.
Hopefully the rest of the week won't be so bad.
Don't forget to head over to Keely at the UNMOM for randomness. She rocks and will tickle your toes and make you squirt milk out your ears. I swear!
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