Michael Lynch leaves Idol Tuesday May 11, 2010
Okay I have not posted much on my shows this year because between doing product reviews, being totally ill all the time with something the doctors can't find and being with the boys. It's been busy to say the least. But I am watching. Idol, Grey's, Private Practice, Ellen, CSI, Buffy, Glee, Biggest Loser and movies when I can fit them in.
So what do I think about Idol this year?
I think I luvvvvv him below (yum yum)
I pegged the winner from day one and as always chose my favorites coming out of the starting gate during Hollywood week which are Lee Dewyz
Lee reminds me of a young Bruce Springteen
And Crystal with her soulful Tracy Chapman
Who do I want to win?
Lee of course.
There is just something about him. He's shy but man really really good and I could listen to him sing for hours. He is unique and yes his voice is raspy but there is something about him when he's singing and how he changes up the songs to make them current which I love.
So tonight it was no surprise when getting down to the bottom three who was going to be going home. Big Mike whose voice I also love but did not ever strike me as an American Idol went home. I'm sad to see him go and know he will have a career in the music industry. It was time for him to leave.
In his wake Mike leaves Casey James, Crystal and Lee to fight it out for the top two spots next week. Again I hope Lee wins but if Crystal wins I wouldn't be upset because I love her, too. And Casey has definitely got a career in country music. Crystal is a single mom of a cute boy and it would be nice to see her future change also.
I will say this Lee and Crystal could sing together easily and I would buy either of their albums and it would be nicer if they sang together. They sang a duet on Tuesday's show and it rocked. Watch below.
We'll have to see.
Whose your favorite idol?
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