Or maybe Dad likes to grill and he could use a set steak knives. Like these from Paula Deen sure to make dad at hit at those neighborhood BBQ's.
Entering the contest is easy. The winner will receive a $40.00 gift certificate to put toward any of CSN's thousands of products for you to choose from. All you have to do to win is follow these steps below.
Main Entry:
Click any one of the links and either follow CSN on Twitter, Facebook or visit their Blog and sign up for their newsletter. Then come back here and tell me which you have done. That's it!
Extra Entries: Always appreciated
Follow Rants n' Rascals
Follow Rants n' Rascals on Twitter
Become a Facebook fan of mine
Tweet or do a blog post about this giveaway on your own site.
Remember to come back here and leave a comment below to let me know all the wonderful things you have done to enter into this fab giveaway and you will have more chances to win a $ 40.00 gift certificate toward any of CSN products at any of their stores.
* Contest is open to all Canadian and US residents and will run from MAY 12th - JUNE 5th 2010
I follow CSN on twitter (littlecomper)
charmtime at gmail dot com
I follow csn on twitter as luv_to_save
luvtosave at gmail.com
twitter follower as luv_to_save
luvtosave at gmail.com
I follow your blog
luvtosave at gmail.com
I follow CSN on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I like you on Facebook!
Carol Anderson Ezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow you on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow you publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
following CSN on twitter!
twittered your giveaway!
Following CSN on facebook (Huguette En) and twitter (@henglish)
I follow CSN on Twitter @sgrant2005
I'm a Facebook Fan (Stephanie Petty-Grant)
I Follow Rants n' Rascals on Twitter @sgrant2005
I "like" you on Facebook under the name Mary Happymommy.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter @mami2jcn.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I follow CSN on Twitter @mami2jcn.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I follow CSN on twitter @thesehappydays
Following CSN on twitter @TalkingColleen
I'm following CSN on Twitter (atlantagalknows)
I'm following you on Twitter (atlantagalknows)
Following blog
I follow CSN on twitter
I follow on twitter.
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Michelle S
follow CSN on twitter-lmurley2000
like CSN on twitter-lmurley2000
CSN newsletter
like RR on facebook-lmurley2000
follow RR on twitter-lmurley2000
follow on google friend connect
I follow CSN Stores on Twitter, @LGJewels
~Amanda @Looking Glass Jewels
I am a FB fan, user name Amanda Pruetz
~Amanda @Looking Glass Jewels
I follow you on twitter, @LGJewels
~Amanda @Looking Glass Jewels
Following on twitter - @henglish
I have posted on facebook!!!
I feel that my husband is a very deserving father. I am the wife of a former Marine and a mother. In Fall of 2008 he was laid off and since then we have lost our home and our cars. For the first few months following the lay off my husband searched hard for a job and was unable to find one. We decided that it would be best if he went back to school to train for a different career. Things have been very hard since his lay off, I am the only one working and we arent able to do much for our kids much less for each other aside from paying rent and barely getting by. I know that once he is able to finish school he will be able to find work and we can provide a better life for our kids like we were able to do before the lay off. I am so proud of my husband and how hard he is working towards school for our future I just wish I could show him by being able to give him a present for Fathers Day. Last year was a hard one because we had to leave our home and let our last car go back and I want to make this Fathers Day a good one.
Thanks guys keep the comments coming, contest open until June 5th. To the person who posted anonymously I am leaving your post up until tomorrow but then it must be removed. I need your name or email at least or you can't enter the contest.
I follow CSN on Twitter (@mandalarctic)
Thanks for the chance!
Following you on Twitter (@mandalarctic)
I am your newest follower :)
I follow CSN on Twitter (@melissaaggie98)
I follow you on Twitter (@melissaaggie98)
I follow you via GFC. melissaaggie98
I like you on FB (Melissa Cleaver)
I am a CSN Twitter follower (@Melahelen) and a CSN Facebook friend! (Helena.L)
daisydoo200 at yahoo dot com
wow would love to win this!
Just started following csn on twitter!
Just started following rants&rascals on twitter too!
myemail id is : email.magpie@gmail.com
Follow CSN on Twitter - susitravl
I'm following via Twitter- SteCold
I'm a facebook liker!
Stephanie Coldwell
I'm following you on Twitter- SteCold
I'm following your blog
I blogged about your giveaway
Like on facebook ~ Huguette En
Tweet: http://twitter.com/henglish/status/15217596431
I follow CSN on twitter
I follow rants n rascals on twitter
I follow rants n rascals through GFC
I tweeted :)
I follow CSN on twitter. @notaprilbrooks
I follow you with GFC.
I follow you on twitter. @notaprilbrooks
I like you on facebook. april brooks
I blogged. http://concreteandnailpolish.blogspot.com/2010/05/weekly-giveaway-roundup_31.html
Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into your site!
Great giveaway! I just signed up for CSN's newsletter! :)
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