Here are some helpful tips on how to plan your weekend get away and make sure you are prepared for anything the kids might throw at you while you are away.
In short try to think of things you wouldn't normally bring with you. Myself, I always make sure I have a spare battery for my phone, a couple blankets in the back just in case, all the creams, gels and aids I need in case of bites, cuts or scrapes, activities for the kids like crayons, movies, books, car games and since I have boys - tons of extra underware!
There is an abundance of information online at your disposal. So when you are planning a trip make sure to check out your destination even if you are going just around town. Local community websites will showcase any special events or activities the city might be hosting. You can find great beaches, parks, petting zoo's, farms, antique shops, video game parlors, waterslides and more. Tons of fun stuff for you and your family to enjoy.
Many people forget to plan ahead for the possibility of getting stuck somewhere. I know not a pleasant thought but it happens. So make your vehicle is packed with a safety bag which you can leave in the car in case of emergency. Items like a first aid kit, flashlight, battery chargers, snack bars and water are just a few things you can bring along to make being stuck overnight somewhere a little easier.
I always mess up on this one and we end up calling our weekend away an adventure which turns out more frustration than anything. Planning ahead is one of the smartest things you can do before going away. Hotels and camp sites are usually busy in the summer and fill up quickly. That's why it is best to call ahead and make some reservations that way your spot won't be taken and you won't spend the first day away searching for a place to stay.
I know it sounds silly but I always bring photos of us when we go away anywhere. It's not that I'm morbid and think we are going to hack up in the woods by some masked killer.... a ha a ha ahem no. It's because when you travel with kids they can be unpredicable and even wander off and even the best parent in the world can lose track for a moment. Having a picture on hand helps if your child goes missing or wanders down the beach and you never know when you might need it. I hope you don't!
No matter what you do or how you plan remember to have a ton of fun on your trip. Wear lots of sun screen, take tons of photos to load onto Facebook and by all means blog your adventure so we can read about it.