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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

earthquake rocks toronto: how prepared are we?

Just moments ago I got a press release from Shoelessmommy who sent this to my inbox.  Apparently an earthquake struck Toronto!  The Natural Resource Homepage shows it was a 5.0 and felt by Ottawa as well. A drugstore after the quake courtesy of Katherine Bruce of Ottawa, ON U.S. Geological survey shows it was a 5.0M near the Ontario/Quebec...
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

fraser health not responsible for woman's death

THIS IS SO SAD An Abbotsford woman dies because government care-workers put her on the wrong ventilator and there isn't anything her family can to do for either monetary compensation or justice wise because basically our government prohibits prosecution of Fraser Health because the Family Compensation Act does not allow it in...
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pb wonderful present from his teacher

PB came home from school today, his last day before graduating to the next level of pre-school.  Next year he goes full time into pre-k and then kindergarten.  I wanted to show you guys what his teacher made for us and each of the kids got one.  They worked on it all year.  It's very sweet. ...
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Monday, June 21, 2010

sesame street live abbotsford concert 123 giveaway!

Imagine singing and dancing with Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Big Bird and all your favorite Sesame Street Live friends!  Imagine 123!  This live interactive show is high-energy with tons of music and will transport parents and children to far away places as Ernie captains the high seas, Elmo dances to the rhythm of the African rainforest and Bert...
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shay sorrells biggest loser is on mamavation tv tonight!

I absolutely loved Shay when I watched Biggest Loser two seasons ago and I was thrilled when subway helped her to continue her success by giving her $1000 per pound she lost which they awarded her at the finale this past season. Shay is an inspiration to many other women and men out there.  She's a mom of two small children.  She spent time...
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mailbox monday june 21

Welcome to Mailbox Monday!!  A blog hop to boost your subscriber count!Hosted by Simply Stacie, This Mama Loves Her Bargains and A little of this A little of that…Here’s how to join in the fun:Add your blog link to the linky Subscribe by email to the three hostesses. They will return the favour. Visit the other...
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy father's day

Once again it's that time.  The time where we honor dad's around the world for all their hard work and support they give to their families and to their children.  I wrote a post for my husband already concerning what a great father he is.  But now it's time to tell you why (my dad) is someone I love so much and why. 1.) When I was a...
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

twitter hop thursday: make more twitter friends

Welcome to Twitter Hop Thursday, hosted by Simply Stacie, The King's Court IV, Little Yaya's and Blessed, Review Retreat and Moms Wear Your Tees! Would you like more Twitter followers and be introduced to more neat blogs and businesses out there? Come and join us!!1. Add your Twitter URL (example
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top 10 things you want to do with your kids before they grow up

As moms it's always hard, watching our babies grow into toddlers, take their first steps, learn to talk, then learn to talk back, go to high school, move on and eventually leave us. I know for myself, I cherish every moment I have with the boys.  Gamer is eleven now and wanting to do more things on his own.  PB is four and still has a hard...
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stella & dot is super fantastic!

If you haven't heard of them then you are missing out.  Stella & Dot is a unique business that showcases women's products of pretty I like to call them.  Fantastic style and jewelery that can be worn everyday, for a wedding, an evening out or just around the house. My good friend Debbie Grondahl is a stylist for Stella &...
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