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Sunday, May 31, 2009

august rush: movie review

So the boys and I sat down and they wanted me to rent a movie for them tonight. A spent the night (my nephew) again and they wanted to see The Day The Earth Stood Still. I was going to rent it when I began flipping through the channels and August Rush was on.

Corky and I watched it before one night at like 1am and I loved it. It wasn't something though two ten year old boys I thought would want to watch but I gave it a try, telling them about it and what was going on with this boy named Evan who ran away from the home for boys he was staying at to go out in search for his parents.

Now Evan is unique because he has a gift. He has the gift of music and he truly believes if plays loud enough that his parents will find him. Freddie Highmore, Robin Williams and other stars team up in this wonderfully written tale about lost and found of the heart.

Below is a clip of the movie. If you haven't seen it, watch it. It's a great movie that shows the power of the heart and the love of parent and child is a strong bond.

Anyhow the boys watched the entire movie and they loved it. Again it is not the Incredible Hulk or something they would ordinarily watch. So it was nice to see that they enjoyed something of this depth.


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