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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

random tuesday: pickleboy, charity,

My weekend was horrible. I have to tell you. I found out dad lost his job. I love my father and to see how hard he's worked his entire life, never giving anything to himself, just to us kids and my mother all these years. It was awful watching him break-down after getting laid off simply because of his age and the fact he made more money than the others in the same position.

Just wrong!

Pickle-boy has been driving me nuts lately. His cheeky behavior is totally out of control. It doesn't help either that hockey-dude who is now ten, contributes to his brothers nasty talk, by laughing at him. You know Jake was never rude to me. He wasn't the type of kid who said "no" to me and still doesn't when I ask him to do something.

PB on the other hand comes right out and challenges. If I ask him to come and see me, he says no. If we want him to clean his room he tells us to do it. He is constantly doing things to be rude, and I can't even tell you how many times he's had time-outs.

Man I hope things get better at four years old!

Pickle-boy received an invitation for Variety to join their boat for hope variety pirate day, a tour around false creek. PB has mild Cerebral and was chosen to be a guest for the pirate adventure.

Then I read further down after getting all excited about it for him. *note: children only over the age of four may go on the boats due to life jacket restrictions.
Ummm okay, they know my son is only 3. Why would they send this to us? Get me all excited dammit! LOL. All for nothing.


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