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Monday, May 31, 2010

random tuesday: my parents are nuckingfuts!

It's Random Tuesday thanks to Keely over at the UNmom.  Give her a visit she's funnier than a duck swimming upside down.

MY PARENTS are retired and bored!

Mom calls me and tells me she and dad are sitting in their house, they live in the same complex FD (Forgetful Dad) and I do, when suddenly this man jumped the fence in their backyard!

"He jumped the fence and ran across the deck and then out toward the front of the house!"  Mom exclaimed. The excitement in her voice made me giggle.  "So dad and I hopped in the van..."

"Whoa Tonto, back the truck up!  Exsqueeze me?  You did what?"

Yep, I heard right.  Mom proceeded to tell me here and dad jumped into their mini van and followed the deranged yard stomping man up the hill toward the school until they ran into a cop.  They kindly told the office about what they had witnessed and the cop said they knew who the man was and he'd just beaten a student at the school and they will catch him.

Thank you for your sleuthing skills not get your almost senior asses home!

The entire time she's sharing this story I'm thinking... jeez so this is what FD and I have to look forward to when we retire.  Chasing criminals on our motorized scooters like two spies on mopeds.  Grrrrrrrreat!

I have feeling as more time goes on I'm going to have trouble with my parents, keeping them in line and out of trouble.  Lord help me!

MY KID IS either SMARTER THAN I REALIZED or has an excellent memory.

Despite his disabilities which are still under investigation, aside from his mild (very mild) Cerebral Palsy, PB (Pickleboy) shocked the crap out of me a couple of days ago.  We were sitting at mom and dad's visiting, something we do at least twice a week, when he starts to recite the alphabet.

Okay not genius I know.  I mean he is four after all and has been attending preschool (fine arts for special needs kids) for the past year.  But it was what he was doing while saying his ABC's...  He was drawing them in the air with his fingers.  A... B... C... and drawing them correctly!  Totally blew my mind.

Then we went out the next day to grab a Timmy-Ho's for FD and I bought cookies for PB and Gamer.  They love Tim's cookies.  We get home and in the bag were 6 peanut butter cookies for the boys to share.  My g/f shoelessmommy came over with her rug rats and I of course offered them the yumminess I had in the bag.  One for my friend and one for her kids to share.

PB comes tearing off the chair he was sitting in calmly and suddenly gets upsets.  "Hey I want a cookie before they are gone!"  He announces firmly.

"There are lots!"  I tell him.

He shakes his head wildly, staring at me incredulous like I'm off my rocker and he says...

"No mom there are only four left.  Can I have one?"

Ummmmmmm what?  I looked at FD and he looked at me and we both looked at Shoelessmommy and shook our heads.  Not quite sure how he knew how many were in the bag.  So later that night I asked him because it bothered me.  I mean it could just be a fluke right?

"PB how did you know there were only four cookies in the bag earlier when I shared them with your friends?"

Laying in bed, he rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.  "There were six.  You gave two.  That leaves four,"  he said in a tone like I was as a dumb as a post if I didn't know that.

"Yeah but how do you know that?"  I pressed even further.

Again rolling the eyes.  "Mom everyone knows dis stuff!  Can I sleep now?"

This is a kid who didn't talk or walk until just before his second birthday.  A kid who can't put on his own shoes, throws tantrums when things don't make sense to him.  But he can subtract?

Wow - the next few years are going to be fun!
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tuesday twitter roundup may 25th to june 1st


Welcome to this week's Tuesday Twitter Roundup blog hop hosted by Rants n' Rascals.  

Participating is easy.

1.) Do your own blog post with all your tweets (copy and paste them) from May 25th to June 1st (Tuesday to Tuesday.)  Don't forget to mention the host of the blog hop thanks!

2.) Add the code to the blog hop and put it in your own post on your site.  Names will hop from blog to blog so everyone can read everyone's tweets.

3.) Add your link (@twittername please) (link to your blog post though) to the linky below so others will follow you.

This is a great way to read and catch up on people's tweets for the week if you missed them.  You can check out contest listings, funny quotes, news you might not have heard yet.  Plus it gives you a chance to find new people to follow on Twitter.

So what are you waiting for?  Grab the button above and Tweet Tweet!

  1. sponsored enter to La Serious Griller contest win gear from Canadian Tire & a La Grille BBQ seasoning pack! Can residents

  2. Add yourself to our blogroll, text, picture and if you host giveaways post it too!

  3. Mailbox Monday May 31st, join the blog hop now!

  4. Lita Sea Glass Jewelry giveaway from Cool Canucks

  5. @TheRealJordin I miss dancing, enjoy it now girlie while you have no rugrats to chase after lol

  6. My kid made a juice slushie in the fridge and I just found it, perfect for a sore throat but mommy note: replace before tomorrow.

  7. @naomijesson everyone has to learn somehow and everyone's a rookie at one point lol

  8. Must have summer acessories!

  9. Okayyyyyyyyy watching Dead like me, anyone seen it before, never have but it looks like a strange show.

  10. @naomijesson lmao hahaha, ranking is where you land on google when people search for things like if you write something and they look it up

  11. @naomijesson I thought about changing but I love blogger too much especially for ranking and yes it's simple plus I make my own designs

  12. Maple Leaf Foods giveaway ends tomorrow 31st so enter now by leaving me a comment!

  13. I just entered CSN store giveaway over at Ziggy's Blog, you should too.

  14. @naomijesson awwwwwww sorry you are having a rough time see that's why I use blogger lol

  15. @CrunchyCarpets ahahah they think they are big and bad, mine is tell me mom tell me what happens every 2 minutes while I giggle my ass off.

  16. Hahaha my 11 yr old is watching signs with me freaking out and wants to know what happens,are they going to die? do aliens kill them? lol

  1. Watching Signs with Mel Gibson, love this movie!

  2. add yourself to my blogroll either text link or button up, also if you run contests link with me to let others know.

  3. press release for r & r see where we were mentioned!

  4. If you'd like to be on my blogroll then please add yourself, you can add text link and button links

  5. Add yourself to my blogroll, if you host giveaways regularly post yourself now!

  6. @MommyPR oh what joy! wish you luck, can't wait to see it.

  7. five question friday hosted by My little life

  8. Comment on: The McMoms Throw Down for a Cyber Cat Fight!: Wow! I'm new to the blogosphere and I cannot believe you to

  9. @erinjeany oh you sweetie, I'm messy though so it's prolly a good thing we aren't sharing creative space lol

  10. @kidsvancouver your very welcome have a great weekend

  11. @nuckingfutsmama oh I hate that, we had the same night with PB our four yr old and man he's cranky today, so is daddy lol

  12. Last not least #FF @naomijesson @kidsvancouver@FraserValleyEMN @megfowler @TheEllenShow@shoelessmommy @theforgetfuldad @CrunchyCarpets

  13. More #FF @nuckingfutsmama @lexiquin @resourcefulMom@twittermoms @momdot @Mc_Canada @matchstick@banteringblonde @msticconn

  14. #FF @thedadjam @rookiemommy @LeftCoastMama @MomNom@monkeysmama @theTsunamiMommy @SavvyMommy@daddydigest @bookieboo @ALotofLoves

  15. maple leaf round table event great giveaway for Canadians!

  16. gooey tomato and bacon with mozarella mmmm cheese!

  17. bash my brain and call a doctor my four year old is whining!


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