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Thursday, February 26, 2009

jake update: doctor gives thumbs up!

We are very happy today. Okay Cas is okay but I'm great! We took Jake to the doctors and he said that yes indeed he did have Pectus Carinatum, thank God and not the other disorder. We are so relieved, though Jake still has to be careful.

Doctor J made Jake feel so much better about his chest sticking out more than usual. He told him that several men on his rugby team had PC and they were some of the best athletes ever.

He said it can be uncomfortable to sleep on it as he grows, and he wants to see Jake on his birthday every year to keep an eye on his spine so he doesn't develop scoliosis, a curvature in his spine. Otherwise Jake is perfect and he shouldn't feel bad about looking a bit different, be a kid and have fun and play all sports he wants.

Jake was so happy. My heart just swelled. Sports means the world to him. He was so worried he wouldn't be able to play anymore. So I am glad that won't be an issue.

Doctor J also said swimming is a great exercise for Jake to take up. It helps build up muscles (a six pack) and since Jake is skinny will help him develop his body so the PC protrusion isn't as noticeable. And he told us to make Jake feel as normal as possible.

I'm just glad it's over for right now. No surgery and life can go back to whatever normal we had before this big scare, which basically means we are back to crazy.


Anonymous said...

Glad your son is OK. Another Manic Mommy on the 'net!

Anonymous said...

Glad your son is OK. Did you just start blogging? Another Manic Mommy!

Anonymous said...

I've been blogging a while now, under different subjects. I had a blog at Orble called Parent Writer but wrote about writing while parenting. Now after two almost three years of dealing with disabilities with our youngest son, and disabilities in myself and my husband, while working on my writing career I felt the need to blog a more honest blog about day to life, what I feel as a mother, whether people like it or not, for myself to get through the days, learn and grow to be the best manic mommy I can be.

Thank you for your comments.

Anonymous said...

My son also has PC and within a year he grew 6 inches and the chest bone protruded even more. He has been through tons of test and everything is fine. It's more cosmetic. His is a sever case, but since he's 13 a brace will work and no surgery. Keep an eye on it and if you notice it getting bigger I suggest looking into a brace.
I'm glad your son is ok and as my son says....he has more room for his's a pimped out crib for his heart. When you have PC you have more room for your heart and should excel in sports. :)

Anonymous said...

He is young and needs to wear a brace that very easily corrects it.

At 13 he has no breathing problems but as he gets older the pectus deformity will get bigger and he may experience asthma like breathing problems.

Kids with PC function normally but during exercie they can't exhale fully because the chest is in an expanded position all the time.

Bracing ixs not very well accepted in the UK and it is deemed normal and 'you're just different'. But american physicians recognize it as what it truly is a dysfunction chest wall which is the breathing mechanism.

Has your doctor done an EKG and Echocardiogram?

We have found many kids with PC or any form of pectus may also have underlying heart problems from possible marfans.

He should be screened to rule out heart problems and then should be fitted for a brace to correct his chest wall deformity.

The UK doctors are staunchly against non-surgical bracing of pectus carinatum they believe that only surgery can correct it.

I hope you follow these steps for your son and get him braced now that he is young and his bones are soft and flexible.

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