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Monday, March 2, 2009

another manic monday

So we had our family counseling today with (Dr. S) and it went pretty good. We talked about more ways to improve the communication at home, which has been great since we started this journey in dealing with parenting with a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).

Parenting for Corey hasn't always been easy. In fact the challenge of it has put some less than inviting pressures on our marriage. It's not easy to tell the man you love what he's remembering when he's giving the kids a hard time that it is wrong. Or rather not wrong but it happened a while ago.

Corey will get angry with Jake for silly things. Like leaning on the table at supper with his elbows. I have different views. We are at home, not in a restaurant. Manners are important yes but at home, kids should be allowed to be relaxed and eating should be such an event, not one where they are being picked on every few seconds.

We are also working on the relationship between Corey and Jake. Step-parenting isn't always easy, especially when Jake has issues with his own father whom he never sees. Dr. S has been a tremendous help.

Mondays are always manic for me though when we go. I feel so overwhelmed with my emotions. Not because Corey and I don't get along. In fact I don't know of many married couples who are home alone all day and all together for years and haven't killed one another yet, and whom don't fight often. Our marriage is good.

I feel overwhelmed because the problems we have we are facing, if that makes any sense. It always seems like there are struggles around each bend for our strange but unique family. Next week Jake meets with Dr. S for his session to which I am not going. I've decided it's best to stay home. That way Jake doesn't feel the need to hide his feelings because mommy is outside in the waiting room. He can be open and honest about his feelings, which is what I want for him to help him through his troubles while we work on ours.


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