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Monday, April 13, 2009

monday mumbers: easter monday

It's Monday Mumbers time and today was hard to think of things. I really did nothing but try to sleep since I'm going on five days with very very, did I mention VERY little shut-eye at all. I look like the walk of living dead, except I did not walking today.

2100= articles of clothing taking up space in my small laundry room that need to be washed because nudity is illegal here in Canada.

502= the number of times I told hockey-dude that no he couldn't play the PS2 today, breaking the no video games during the week rule.

10,000= number of times I told hockey-dude that Easter Monday was not a holiday used in order to break the no PS2 during the week rule. It's a school night dagnabbit!

310= number of times I told pickle-boy that no he could not have anymore eggs (those small chocolate eggs the Easter bunny brought him) to which he responded in a voice resembling the devil "I WANT SOME!) and I ran away screaming for fear of being killed by my chocolate eating three year old gone sugar crazy!

3= number of times I grabbed DH today telling him I loved him just cause I felt it today. I really do you know, love him that is.

8= number on the side of the Hotwheel car the Easter bunny brought hockey-dude to which he constantly showed everyone telling them it was his birthday coming up in May. Yes Jake we won't forget we promise.

2= number of times I had to pull out the sofa bed searching for the damn remote control. You know the tv only sits three feet away but I had to spend fifteen minutes pulling the damn bed apart searching for a remote to make my life easier. Yep I'm a winner!

2300= number of blogs I visited today that I've never been on before. I love visiting new blogs and leaving comments. I just wish people would leave comments for me and visit me. Ahhh I'm so lonely.

5 = number of entre cards I dropped today.

137 = number of messages left on my FB notification list for me to check. Man I have to go there more often I think. I got a lot of cows and chickens and trees today.

23 = number of cows, chickens and trees I got from friends for Farm Town on facebook today and since I have no fences my animals are running wild.

2 = number of times I've posted monday mumbers. This will increase next week to 3 and the week after to 4 and the week after to 5 and so on...


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