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Friday, May 22, 2009

friday frustrations: i hate being sick!

It's Friday and my frustrations are above and beyond words.

Well -- okay not totally beyond words. I'm never beyond words, no matter what state I'm in LOL.

I've been sick for about four days now. It started as a runny nose, then moved into both ears (which I hate) and then into my eyes and finally--it's gone into my chest.

I decided that today I would list my frustrations for you on why I don't like being sick.

If you participate in Friday Frustrations please head over to conversations with mom and drop your link. Leave comments here please on your Friday posts. I love reading them.

What FRUSTRATES me about being sick.

* I miss spending time with my boys. Not having the energy to play with them is kind of depressing.

* I hate coughing so hard I need depends because I pee myself. It sucks!

* The taste of medicine which lingers on my tongue many hours after I take it.

* Looking like death warmed over. As a mom I have to work hard to try to look normal and dragged down. When I'm sick it's nearly impossible and I look like a creature out of the night of living dead and it's not even Halloween.

* Eating nothing but soup for four days. There is only so much chicken noodle a person can take.

* Running out of Popsicles which make my throat feel better.

* Not being able to sleep because I can't get comfortable enough.

* The body aches. I hate them, every joint, bone and inch of me hurts.

* Feeling hot and cold all the time. Ahhh things to look forward to maybe with menopause--what joy!

* And finally what I frustrates me about being sick is giving it others. No matter how much I wash my hands, cough into a Kleenex or my sleeve, it always goes through the house like a rampant wave.

Until next Friday!


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