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Friday, May 8, 2009

friday frustrations: the crack life

Finally! A meme I can sink my teeth into. I mean who doesn't get frustrated? Especially if you are a parent, running on no sleep, waiting for that moment your eyes decided they've had enough and you can no longer walk because your legs are jell-o and... oh wait I'm already bitching aren't I? My bad.

Friday Frustrations is a cool meme you can join. Think of it as a way for you to get all the shitE bothering you off your chest and share it with others. Things your kids might do or maybe hubby is making you mad, maybe someone cut you off while driving to work to do. DON'T KEEP IT IN IT'S UNHEALTHY!

Sorry for shouting, sometimes I get excited. Maybe you want to post about that and how annoying it is to read caps lol.

Whatever you post it's meant to be fun, not to judge or be hurtful to others and maybe even to make new friends.

So if you want to try it. Leave me a comment about your Friday Frustrations with your sites link so I can read them all. Then head over to Conversations with Moms and sign in.

Happy Friday everyone!

Wanna know what frustrates me?

The drug addicts that sit on the corner by the store where I have to take my kids because it's near the market where I get my fruits and vegetables. There is nothing more wonderful than listening to your three year old cry out...

"Look mom that lady is pooping on the sidewalk!"

Ahhh how wonderful and I don't even live in the bad part of town!


Maria@Conversations with Moms on May 8, 2009 at 3:02 PM said...

Your poor 3yr old. What an image.

Yes, I agree, don't keep it all in. And sometimes it's not worth arguing over. This meme was meant to get things off our chest and keep the peace with the people we care about. LOL.

Thanks for participating. I hope you do so again next week.

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