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Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mothers day!

Okay so I had to do this post. I mean it's Mother's Day and I AM after all a mother.

One of the things about living with Corky and his brain injury is the fact that whenever holidays come around he (forgets). It's really not his fault. I mean secretly of course I blame him, but only because the kids aren't old enoough to remind him, and he's my husband. I have to blame someone lol.

Each year Mother's day rolls around and each year he asks me what I want. I always reply with the same thing. A card made by my children for me and breakfast in bed. I've gotten neither in any year that has come and gone. And I knew that this year wasn't going to be different.

I was sad at first. Until I saw this from Only in a Woman's World which always cracks me up, their skits and ads. I know many ladies don't like them but I don't give a crap because I think they are hilarious.

You know after watching this I realized. It doesn't matter if I don't get what I want on Mother's Day. That is not what is important. What is important is that my husband loves me. He shows me each and every day in all the many and truly wonderful things he does. Like doing the dishes without me asking or rubbing my feet and legs when they hurt without complaining - EVER!

Corky you may not remember Mother's Day but you remember to love and it's the thought that counts and you have many many good thoughts. You are always kind and caring, respectful and you hold me when I cry. You hug me when I need it. You teach the boys to love and respect me, to show their love and be strong.

All of those things and more is the reason why each year my Mother's Day is the best. I get the best present any mother could ask for. Children who love her and a husband who shows he cares.

You can't wrap it, there are no returns and it's fits me just right.

Thank you boys for being all you are for me.

- Mom


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