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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Kate Spanks Leah! Do you Spank? / Sited and Blogged

Kate Spanks Leah! Do you spank? | Sited and Blogged

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My response to this story: Ahhh love this post! Simple reply: It's easier to judge when you aren't the one on the chopping block eh? Every little thing she does is looked at and I feel her response is just, what parent hasn't perhaps lost their temper once or twice even quickly when they should have maybe approached the situation differently. Nobody is perfect, I sure as heck ain't. I made my son eat his boogers after he picked his nose. Is that child abuse? I know I'm gross but hey if you pick it you eat it lol!
What do you think?
Would you spank your child in public with cameras watching?

Heck I give time outs in the grocery store. Sit down, middle of the aisle time-outs when Pickle-boy breaks things or doesn't listen or throws a fit.
He gets embarrassed when everyone is watching him and having to walk around him. I ignore the scolds I get from elderly people who can't even put on their underwear by themselves telling me that is wrong to do that.

Kids don't come with manuals. There is no (on) off button, God I wish! They are unpredictable, expensive, untidy, rude and cheeky at times and each stage is different as is each child. I've had jobs and coworkers where I didn't believe they were doing their job correctly but I still had to go to work and do my job, the way I did it each and every day.

Parenting is similar... it's a job and sometimes a hard one at that.


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