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Monday, June 8, 2009

little boy growing up

Pickleboy is three years old and a bit. He turned 3 in March and we've been trying to potty train for a bit now but he's had absolutely no interest all. He's lazy and always asks for his diapers because he's used to them. So I checked out diaper supply and saw he had two diapers left and pay day is almost two weeks away. This is conversation I had with him.

Mom: "So pickleboy you know you only have two diapers left, honey."

PB: "Oh no you gots to buy me sum more."

Mom: "But mommy doesn't have any money to buy you some so you know what that means?"

PB: Puts his head down with an expression so sour like I just told him I was going to make him eat grasshoppers and he said, "I have to pee and poop in the potty."

Mom: "Yes you do."

PB: "Then I will get cocoa's?"

Mom: "If you go in the potty and don't wet your pants, yes." Cocoa's are maltese balls which he absolutely loves.

PB: "Can I have underwear like JJ?"

Mom: "Yes but you can't wet them okay."

PB: "Or you spank me?"

Mom: Thinking about it for a moment thankful we have hardwood floors lol. "No I won't spank you but mommy won't be happy and you don't want wet pants. You want to go to school and be a big boy."

We chatted for several more minutes about it, using toilet paper and if we can bring his potty to the store when we go, to which I said yes but we have to use it in the bathroom. We don't go potty in public where others can see.

So tonight we went to Walley Mart and bought Trace his first pair of underwear. I let him pick out Hotwheels and they were not briefs but boxer briefs like the kind his brother has and he was tickled about it. He had to show everyone we passed on the way to the check out.

"Look I am a big boy and gots to poo in the potty! These are my underwears!"

When we got home we put on a pullup (Disney Cars) for night time sleeping and his underwear over top which he loved. I watched as he danced around before bed and yeah okay I started leaking like a sive looking at him. He looked all grown up and I realized that my baby is gone and now my little man is going to come into his own.

Sometimes being a parent isn't any fun at all but at the same time it's a wonderful journey watching your child grow and make changes as they enter into their own.

Tomorrow is his first day without diapers so we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!
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