Most recent coverage or "shout out" mentions of Rants n' Rascals in the form of blogs, news articles, appearances, interviews and more. Most recent are listed at the end by number.
1.) Yummy Mummy Featured Article "Love Can Surprise You" here.
2.) Interview with 5 Minutes for Moms with blog author JP Shaw.
3.) Rants n' Rascals was added to Simply Stacie's blogroll.
4.) Maple Leaf Foods pairs up with Matchstick and invites Rants n' Rascals to a blog event hosted by Sharon Beales to the companies approach to food safety.
5.) Rants n' Rascals profile on network.
6.) Rants n' Rascals added to Baby Girl's Health and Wellness Blogroll.
7.) Broken Controllers features article on "Seniors" from Rants n' Rascals.
8.) Top Sites Reviewed mentions R & R and some creative posts.
9.) "She had his heart" story published for Chicken for the Soul Love stories
by Rants n' Rascals owner JP Shaw
10.) Article "Story of Love, Tenderness & Loss" Abbotsford Times 2008
11.) Article "Their stories move us to be better people" Abbotsford Times 2008
12.) CWA Nominations (Best Designed) and (Best Parenting Blog) Rants n' Rascals. May 2010
13.) Rants n' Rascals ranked 334 out of 700 blogs at Mom Bloggers Club May 2010
14.) Added to ShoelessMommy blogroll.
15.) The Mom Blogs ranked Rants n' Rascals in their top links for Canadian Mommy Blogs.
16.) Monkee Mama mentions Rants n' Rascals in a post here. May 2010
17.) Jen's Ups and Downs mentions Rants n' Rascals in her post on education May 2010
18.) Networked Blogs ranked Rants n' Rascals in top 50 for disability topics.
19.) Mud Pies for Moms has Rants n' Rascals under blogs she likes on her sidebar.