Cleaning is never fun and I've been putting off cleaning my bedroom which has been a big disaster for about seven months now. Clothes everywhere, boxes and toys, books and videos.
Ever since we changed the kids rooms around it's been hard trying to get into cleaning mode. But since it's Monday and it's a day I totally DISLIKE (Monday's) I decided to venture into the war zone and tackle the trouble.
5,234 pairs of socks I found hidden in the corners behind the night table.
9,356 movies I discovered the kids haven't watched (Monster's Inc., Ants, Space Jam)
32,599 garbage bags I used to clean up the mess.
52,877 times I yelled at the kids to GET OUT! while I was cleaning.
123,789 Hot wheels I found during my dusting. I think Trace kept bringing them into the room.
99 times the kids asked for a drink in a 2 minute period, driving me crazy.
32,435 articles of dirty clothing I found that belonged only to DH. Yeah he and I need to talk about him hitting the laundry hamper and not the floor.
512,344,899 breaks I took during the day.
12 hours it took to go through all the clothes and I'm still not done.
Oh well there is always Tuesday! Happy Monday!
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