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Friday, June 12, 2009

the simple life of noah dearborn: fantastic movie!

So there was nothing on television at midnight or even one in the morning and yes I realize I should have been sleeping, especially when I have the kids (my brother's) coming tomorrow and will be up to my eye-balls in colors, laughter and fights.

Flipping through the channels I see an old Sidney Poitier movie on called "The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn" made for TV in 1999. So I started watching it and guess what?

Yep, you got it. I couldn't turn it off until it was over which put me at nearly 3:30 in the morning which is why I'm blogging at this damn hour before I go and try again to find sleep. The movie was amazingly wonderful! It was one of those special gems you rarely find and when you do can't look away because it sparkles so brightly and you just want to hold it in your hands and share it with someone.

Noah Dearborn is an unusual man. He's unusual because he doesn't talk much. Noah keeps to himself, tending the land he grew up on and his father built from scratch. His land is important to him and suddenly Noah finds himself on the verge of losing it when a land developer comes to town wanting to open a shopping center right where Noah is parked.

Mary Louise Parker plays (young lady) as Noah calls her. She's a psychiatrist who helps people cope with their troubles and relationships with one another, hired by the company to prove Noah is mentally unstable and unable to run his property. But what she ends up finding is a remarkable man who changes her life for the better.

Sidney Poitier is so amazing as Noah. His soft spoken character always remains respectful and dignified throughout the entire movie, a real role model for everyone. I was engulfed watching the film and found myself laughing, crying and hoping that everyone would just leave this poor guy alone.

Despite Noah's distance from others in town; they support him and respect him and during the film there are flashbacks lending hints as to why Noah is the way he is and how humbleness is something we could all use in this day and age as we are captured by technological advances that often lead our lives instead of us leading them.

A family film rated for everyone. If you haven't watched this film you have to. It's a wonderful story and one you are sure to enjoy.


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