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Friday, July 17, 2009

friday frustrations: a week without SM, boys drive me crazy, planning our trip.

TGIF !!!!! And boy this week I'm glad it surely is. It's been a very long week both emotionally and financially for the clan here.

For starters, my bff SHOELESSMOMMY went away to bible camp for the week, leaving me and sparkee to drink coffee and smoke alone (without her) which just wasn't the same.

Not that SPARKEE and I don't have fun together because trust me we do, and I sooooooooo look forward to my girl time with the gals. I've been truly enjoying my new friendships lately.

My other friend T also went away and she's been gone like forever! I hope she is having a good time though as it was a much needed vaca for her. Everyone I know and love though seems to be dangling on holidays and it's making me look forward to us leaving this dump place we call home.

I don't mean to say Abbey isn't a nice place. It just seems every time I turn on the news or read the paper someone is doing something awful to someone else.

Like recently (over the past week) an elderly lady was mugged in broad daylight. Two young men, apparently higher than God stole her money and shoved her face into the bus stop post, hit her a couple of times and then when she proceeded to go into a seizure -- they left!!!!

They could have at least phoned the paramedics annoymously. I mean shit if you are going to rob someone that old at least have the heart to make sure you don't take their life. This poor woman is now recovering but afraid to leave her house. It makes me sick inside!

------------------> On another note the boys have been driving me up the wall or rather Gamerboy has. I mean PB (pickleboy) has just been himself, you know whiny and always needing something in his demanding three year old fashion.

GB though is a different story. He's been feeling the friendship loss bug as much as I have with several of his friends leaving for vaca and he has nobody really to play with right now. So each morning he wants to play PS2 and he asks like ten times a day if he can game.

Now I have a rule when it comes to video games. Maybe I'm too strict I don't know. But when school was in session the rule was no video games during the week and on weekends he was only allowed to play for one hour each day, to which he really didn't like.

Now that summer is here I thought for sure with the warm weather hitting us full frontal he'd be outside basking in the sun and having fun. But nooooooooo he wants to be inside battling spidy's evil bad guys or racing Jimmy J on the Nascar circut.

So, I had to sit down and have a talk with him.

He explained he was bored so today we went out and washed the car. I sprayed him with the hose and we had a water fight. It was a ton of fun. I also told him the rules, even though it is summer and his bed time has been extended an hour from nine to ten. Video game time isn't going to change.

We are leaving for PG in less than two weeks and going to his grandparents house on four acres of land with no gaming systems in site.

"Yeah so let me get it all out of my system now, mom. Then I'll be good when I see Gammie."

Yeah okay that's his mentality. Gotta give it to the kid for trying to sway me though but I didn't bite. I told him to read a book or work on his writing. He also has to finish his blog post for this week, which didn't make him too happy because I'm making him write them out before I help him type on the computer his posts. Somebody has to help the poor kid improve his chicken scratch.

---------------------------------> On an up note DH and I have decided to host HELL'S KITCHEN party nights at our house which should be fun. The new season begins on Tuesday and I cannot wait!

We are going to cook a new meal for our party guests each week and then watch the show. It should be a blast.

Anyhoo I've gotta run. Got a ton of laundry to do and Jo for CD (Child Development) is coming in the morning to see PB to assess whether he needs extra help in pre-school or not in September and lord knows I'm not going to be cohearant in the morning to discuss his issues.

Have a great weekend everyone!

If you participate in FRIDAY FRUSTRATIONS then please head over to conversations with moms and post your link there. Don't forget to send me some comment luv!!!! And I'll luvvvvv you back I swear.


Stacy Uncorked on July 17, 2009 at 7:33 PM said...

Oh that poor woman getting mugged in broad daylight then having a sad to hear about things like that!

Your son sounds like he's quite the little negotiator, just like the Princess Nagger! ;) At least his reasoning is sort of reasonable, no? ;)

How COOL that you're going to host a Hell's Kitchen Party night - if I lived near you, I'd so want to join in! ;) Now you'll have to post about the parties, you know, so I can live vicariously through your blog... ;)

Have a great weekend! :)

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