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Thursday, September 10, 2009

ellen is the new american idol judge!

Okay if you are a huge idol fan which I am then you already know that Paula Abdul has decided due to contract disputes (left) idol for this season.  And the replacement hunt to fill the spot next to Kara, Randy and Simon began almost immediately.

All over the net you heard rumor after rumor, the latest being Queen L, who stated she didn't want to replace Paula because she is irreplacable but has signed on to be a guest judge for a couple of shows.

No the new judge was announced and it's Ellen Degeneris.

I love Ellen.  I don't care who you are she is shit totally funny!  I cannot wait to see what she brings to the show and although several people are concerned she has no yeah right  musical background to bring any input.  Randy states there is enough expertise to go around the table.

Ummmm okay if anyone watches Ellen... she is TOTALLY into music and knows her stuff.  Maybe she isn't an expert when it comes to pitch and tone but it doesn't take a genius to figure out if a person is sigining off key or not or isn't putting out their best performance.

What I loveeeeeeeeeee about Ellen being the new judge is that she is fucking soooooo funny.  Come on you know she is, and she will bring a fans perspective to the show maybe not letting people through that shouldn't be getting let through if you know what I mean?

Congrats to her; she's so excited.  I'm excited for her and I cannot wait to watch her make Simon laugh and maybe lighten him up a bit.  LOOK OUT mr. Cowell because the queen of funny is in town and you can't flirt your way past judging correctly because well sorry to tell you - you aren't her type hahahaha.


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