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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

random tuesday: wtf? people are going crazy!

Okay so everyone knows but I'm still gonna blog about what happened to Taylor Swift at the MTV awards when Kanye West jumped onto the stage and snatched the mike RUDELY I might add to state that Beonce's album was (choke choke) best that year.

Well West did some back peddling, most likely because he was set to appear on Leno's new show last night along side Jay-Z.  Wish I could have seen it but I went to bed early.  Apparently he apologized on his blog again to her though, and so he fucking should have.

Poor Taylor just stood there, seventeen years old and didn't know what to do.  But Beonce' made it better by allowing Taylor her few minutes in the sun later when the singer won.

Also Serena Williams had a big BIG melt down at the US Open, proving once again her potty mouth is not a thing of the past.  She was a highlight on yesterday's VIEW with Whoopi along side Kate Gosslin who talked about her failed marriage and what it was like to be a single mom.  It was quite interesting.

She was fined something like 10 thousand dollars and more diciplinary action is set to be in motion from the Open's Board.

Pickleboy is doing quite well in preschool so far this week.  He's getting along fine with the other kids.  I just wish we could get him to pee in the damn potty.  I'm so tired of his not willing to even try for it.  He's going to be four in March and I worry about him.  We've tried everything.  Now we are at the point letting him run around naked, which seems to work.  He does not want to make mama mad by peeing on the floor.  Good boy!

Gamerboy is also enjoying school this year.  He loves his teacher and his subjects, especially French.  He has really taken to it and each day comes home to share with us the new words he's learned that day.  It's kinda cool.

OTHER NEWS:  My teeth decided to act up and I have no money to go and see a dentist.  They have been aching so badly I cannot even breath without being in pain.  My teeth are making my ears and nose (sinuses) hurt as well so sleeping at night has been fun.

Hey, if you participate in Random Tuesday head on over to Keely at the UNMOM and post your linky there.  Have a great day everyone - until next week....


Keely on September 15, 2009 at 2:18 PM said...

I still think the Kayne thing was a stunt...

Do you think Kate qualifies as a single mom? She's got all those assistants and help and handlers etc...

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