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Thursday, September 10, 2009

themed thursday; california dreams

Mmmm childhood memories.  Just one?  One that was good and one of my fondest?  Well I have a couple to share for this weeks Themed Thursday.

As we get older we often forget our childhood memories.  Having children of our own though we often face the full circle of life as it often has a way of repeating itself when you share something with your children your parents shared with you.

Here are a few of mine:

1.) I remember waking up as a kid, early in the morning just after my father jumped out of the shower and had gotten dressed to go back to work.  He was a cab driver and often works nights, days on end and so we didn't see him often.  He would sneak into our rooms (my brothers and mine) to check on us and give us a kiss before leaving.  I was always awake.  I knew each time he showered that he'd shaved and I would reach up and ask to run my hand over his cheek to feel the velvety softness of his freshly shaven skin.  Then I would breathe in deeply.  The smell of Aqua Velva filled my nostrils.  Now every time I smell the stuff I think of my dad and remember those precious moments I had with him before he took off to go back to work to provide for us.  That is my number one fondest childhood memory.

3.) Going to Disney Land with my parents and taking my Nana, before she passed away.  We were kids and she had this infectious laugh that would of course trigger you to laugh along with her uncontrollably.  It drove my father crazy and several times he threatened to throw her on the roof rack of our Beaumont if she didn't quit it.  It was hilarious.

4.) Driving home from family vacation when a bee flew into our car and my mom screamed and waved her hands like a crazy woman.  My dad swerved and suddenly we lost our hubcap and watched as it rolled all the way down the mountain.

5.) Last but not least.   Watching my parents.  I was only a kid, yes.  But the love they had and still have for one another I remember wishing I hope one day I find someone like my dad who will love me as much as he loves my mom.  40 years of marriage is rolling up on them soon as a kid growing up when you see your parents hug and kiss on one another with such love and affection it gives you warmth and let's you know everything will be okay.

What are your fondest childhood memories?  Share them and come back and post your link below.  Don't forget to drop me a comment letting me know you've posted.


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