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Thursday, September 17, 2009

themed thursday: hairy scary movies that make me hide

Welcome to Themed Thursdays where each week there is a new topic to blog on.  This week it's the five top hairy scary movies that make you want to sleep with the lights on.  Tell us about them and what scares you the most about each.  
Have fun and don't forget to leave your link and comment below so we can check out your top five scariest movies of all time!

The Grudge:  Scary story about a family where something went horribly wrong and the father killed both his wife and child, unleashing something dangerously spooky.  A ghost story of sorts.  I have to say this movie scared the crap out of me!  I mean it actually made me scared to go to sleep and it wasn't even that scary.  I don't know what it was, the sound in the film when the female with long hair came creeping up to snatch you, or the fact that she came from a roof attic area in the home and I have one and refuse to allow my husband to open it lol.  It scared me a ton though I must say.

Deadly Blessings.  This is an old film but scared the beeejeeezus out of me!  I don't like movies that have to do with God or the Devil, something on that note just spooks me.  And this is a story of a woman who has been chosen to bare the son of the devil.  It's quite old and I remember watching it as a kid (sneaking of course) so mom didn't see but yeah another of my top five!

Yes of course Freddy and the original Nightmare on Elm Street.  Who wouldn't be scared of some crazy burnt guy with fingers as knives who comes at your through your dreams.  Ummm yep after watching him I didn't sleep for like a week.  But then I went back to watch it again and the ones that followed and came to love him!  Sick I know...

Rosemary's Baby is a classic cult horror movie and for it's time it was really scary.  Starring Mia Farrow as a woman pregnant who encounters strange behavior in all those around her because she is carrying the devils child.  It was quite scary when I was a kid, now it's just fun to watch.

Stephen King's classic Children of the Corn was a really scary movie for me.  A couple encounter a small town where all the adults have been killed because they worship something in the corn fields and their leader Maleki.  It's a great film and tons of fun to watch if you haven't seen it.

Leave your link below to your post on your top five favorite scary movies and don't forget to post a comment.  Thanks for joining us this week!


The MomJam on September 17, 2009 at 1:36 PM said...

Totally cool movies. We posted ours.

Frugal Vicki on September 18, 2009 at 5:47 PM said...

I have only seen two of those. (what is it with that grudge kid that gave me the shivers just looking at the picture?). I may have to check the others out.

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