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Saturday, September 19, 2009

small talk six: autum leaves a fallin

Autumn is a wonderful time of year, at least I think it is.  The smell of the crisp air as the days get shorter and darkness hovers like a phantom across the sky lit up by the moon.  It is a time when you tend to see more black cats roaming around and the word pumpkin sends a ripple of excitement through her.  Hay rides through the patch, shopping for Halloween costumes and every where you turn the color of the leaves seemingly change right before your eyes.

This weeks small talk six for Saturday is to list 6 things you either or love or hate about Autumn.  Put up your posts then head over to and post yourself there so you can share your feelings this week.

Don't forget to leave me a comment please and thank you.  You are also free to grab my button on the sidebar if you wish.  Happy Saturday everyone!

My Six

Leaves falling to the ground all shapes, sizes and colors.  So brilliant!

Frost on the windows in the morning and the crisp air letting you know winter is just around the corner.

Gathering leaves into a big pile and then jumping into them (Laughter is optional)

The color the moon sometimes changes (reddish orange) so beautiful!

Walking through the pumpkin patch with the kids while they search for the perfect one.

The Great Pumpkin Charley Brown.  My most fav of movies during this time.


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