Pickleboy acts up. He is whiny and cranky and has been all goddam day! I can't stand it. I show her the video of one of his (fifteen) trantums... okay tired, I meant tantrums (always talk and type backwards) when sleepy :P
"Is he not sleeping?" she asks me.
"No, not really. He's been having nightmares, lately. Something about sharks eating him."
"Grace, too." Shoeless pipes up.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... they play together so I begin to wonder if maybe they are dreaming about the same stuff or saw something that scared them both. That's when Shoeless tells me (laughing before she even begins the story)
"Grace has been dreaming about bunnies!"
WTF? Bunnies? "The cute and furry kind?"
Shoeless is in hysterics at this point which causes me to laugh. You just can't help it when you are around her.
"I asked her what she was afraid of and she told me bunnies. When I repeated it - bunnies. The look of horror on her face. She said - don't call them!"
I burst out laughing. Seriously bunnies?
I ended up finding out Pickleboy wasn't afraid of sharks it was sharp-tooth he was trying to tell me from Land before the time that he was afraid was going to eat him. Go figure.
Kids are funny sometimes!
Loved the title of this post! Kids are indeed funny!
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Great post honey! Love reading your stuff
Great Post! Killer Bunnies! That's awesome Babe!
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