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Saturday, May 15, 2010

canuck place for kids abbotsford please donate

If you are Canadian and a Vancouverite then you have heard of Canuck Place - a foundation built to aid families and their children with life threaning illnesses.

Canuck Place has helped thousands of families since 1995 when they opened as the first children's hospice in North America and today it is recognized globally as a leader in pediatric pallible care, helping families in need of hospice care when hospitals and home care no longer meets their needs.

It's recognized as one of Canada's greatest accomplishments and my son wants to be a part of that.

Each year his school honors a member of their community Danny Tran, a student who died before reaching middle school from Cancer.  Every year the school holds a memorial marathon and they raise money in honor of Danny to go Children's Hospital or Variety, places that helped Danny's family through his transition and in death.

This year my son came home and he told me the marathon this year was raising money to go to another organization Canuck Place being built here in the Fraser Valley because of the overwhelming need here.  So far he has raised over $112 in pledges for the walk, but Jake wants to do more than that.  He wants to raise money to donate himself in honor of his little brother (our youngest) not born with a life threatening illness but born with mild Cerebral Palsy and all the kids born with disabilities and illness that affect their lives and shorten their lives.

I could not be prouder of Jacob.  This is what he told me:

"I think about all those children mom who go to Canucks Place, many of them to die because they are so ill and how much help they get, how much it means they can spend time with their families as they fight and struggle and it makes me sad inside.  I want to help.  I want to raise money so I can donate it myself to Canuck Place in Abbotsford because I am lucky.  My brother will live.  But some other brothers out there will lose out and I want to help them."

Big tears yep! 

Can't believe he wants to do this but he does and as his mother I fully support him.  So I am asking anyone interested in helping Jake raise money for Canucks Place to please donate either on this post or at my sidebar. 

If you wish to add a dedication to your donation to be listed on our contribution sheet which will be shown here on my blog then please email me with the information at with your name and your donation amount you contributed and I will add you.

This is a great cause and I think it's amazing my son wants to do this.  Every little bit helps.  So please donate today and show your support for Canuck Place Abbotsford.

Thank you!

For more information on Canuck Place please go HERE.
To read more on the Fraser Valley expansion that is taking place go HERE.



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