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Friday, May 14, 2010

friday frustrations: tower project at mill lake gets the go ahead

Picture from Abbotsford News a rendition of the what the project will look like after it's completed, overlooking Mill lake.  Ugly or what?

I love living in Abbotsford.   The people here are friendly, the city quiet (usually) and no matter where you go, despite the over 100,000 population, you can always run into someone you know.  Another thing I love about living here in Abbey is Mill Lake.

Mill Lake has something to offer everyone from fantastic playgrounds, three of them, a unique and new spray park for the kids to tranquil picnic areas.  It is also home to many seniors, joggers, walkers, moms with babies and fishermen.
Scene from Mill Lake board walk very busy in the summer time with residents enjoying the walk around the lake.

So why would the city decide to destroy it with the new tower project which got voted the green light yesterday?

“Let me salute the people of this neighbourhood,” said Mayor George Peary, who commended their efforts and pride for the community. However, he said density is something the city has to do.
Density is definitely something we are going to get when the monstrosity they are planning on building takes up a huge birds eye view, hovering over the lake and taking away from the beauty and peacefulness all of us have come to enjoy and love within in our city.

Don't they understand it's not just about the ugliness the 26 storey, 80 meter tower being built just off Bevan Avenue.  There are other factors to consider, like the congestion of traffic the tower project will most definitely increase along Bevan and Ware, where over 2000 students frequent the nearby elementary, middle and high school along that street.  Traffic right now is already at all time stupidity in that area, accidents occuring each and every day, kids getting hit by cars and safety is most definitely an issue.

“The reality – and they (residents) don’t want to admit it – but the reality is that neighbourhood is going to change,” said Peary.

So let's add more cars to the equation Mr. Peary simply because the city feels we are moving forward and the city has to change.  Paying no mind as to how or whether we should in this direction you think our great city should take which will easily destroy the slumber of our peaceful community.

Some change shouldn't happen.  It just shouldn't.  Not this way when residents here are so dead set against the project, but like politics we get no say.  Our voices and vote just doesn't count.  How sad a teaching we are leaving behind for our children who will have to pick up the pieces of the decisions our counsil members have made (to apparently) better our surroundings.

The Tower includes an adjacent four story apartment complex with 272 units which means another 300-350 cars traveling along Bevan Avenue.  Tempers apparently spilled out during the meeting to which the vote was handed down.

“You guys sold out,” yelled one member of the audience, while another shouted “It’s a bad day for Abbotsford.”
It is a sad day indeed, I agree for our city.  How did we allow ourselves to fall into this pit of money and business being more important than people, pride for where you live and the feelings that go along with voices that have now become silent?

You watch.  They will build the tower.  It will be ugly.  Residents will complain or move.  Then some guy with a lighter will come along and burn it to the ground because apparently violence is the only voice heard when nobody is listening.

And that is truly sad.



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