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Saturday, May 22, 2010

g.i. joe family night was fun

Okay so yeah it's Friday night and we decided this Friday it was family night in the Shaw household which means  hanging out together.  We try as often as we can between hockey, PB's appointments with Child Development, FD (Forgetful Dad's) stuff, me blogging, cleaning, cooking, paying bills and all the other crap that goes into family life, to sit down together at least once a week and have some share time.

This Friday it was a special event.  G.I. Joe Rise of the Cobra.  Yeah I know but that's what I get living with 3 testosterone males.  Chick flicks aren't allowed unless I stay up until 3am by myself while they snore.  So it's either Action or War movies... yeah me!

I had no idea what to expect when watching G.I. Joe.  I know it's a comic.  I never actually watched it growing up.  I was more a Spidey girl myself... YUM!  So yeah I started watching this movie about war heroes who are part of an elite ops group known as the Joe's.  And guess what they do?  They fight bad guys who want to do bad things to the world and save the day!

Here's a breakdown of some of the characters.

Duke is a sexy army guy who has a thing for his ex g/f who he promised to protect her brother but failed and so she became bad and tried to kill the world which messed with his head and he set out to save her from herself.

Ripcord is hilarious and easy going and immediately falls in love with another female Joe who only likes non-emotional men.

Snake-eyes never speaks and is a ninja who goes against Storm-chaser another ninja who is his brother and killed their father and hate each other.

I could go on but basically this movie is a blow up action flick and everyone has issues.  I mean everyone.  I actually felt better by the end of it thinking shit my life is a piece of cake compared to these poor saps.  Mind you they get to blow up shit for fun which is kinda cool.  The best part was a three minute segway with the YUMMY and DELICIOUS Brendan Frasier - (for me anyhow) sorry FD.

G.I. Joe is an okay movie with tons of action.  Whether it's similar to the comic or not I have no idea, FD says it was pretty close, but if you are in for a ride with high voltage action sequences this blow up style movie entertainment will excite you so give it a once around.



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