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Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mother's day to all my mommy friends

It's that time of year again.  That one special day where we as women get to unite and celebrate the greatest job on earth--BEING MOMS.

Mother's Day is always special for me because my oldest son Gamer was born on Mother's Day.  There is no greater gift than having a child and celebrating that day with those you love, your own moms, grandmothers, friends, aunts, cousins and more.

Today I hung out with the boys, played a little hockey with Gamer and went to the park with Pickle.  Then we are going to settle down to watch some hockey, since Vancouver is playing tonight a death game.  Last and final for the season.

I give a shout out though to all the wonderful moms I know:  You are all truly gifted in your own unique ways and truly great moms and your children are lucky to have you.

My mom: For teaching me that life gives you lemonades and you can still make ice tea, you just need to improvise.  To never give up on  myself or others.  That marriage is a job you can love going to even if the pay is less than you requested.  That raising children is never easy but more rewarding than anything you've ever done.  For loving me no matter what.

Jenny Benny - Shoelessmommy you are a great mom to your kids and teach them to live life to the fullest through helping and caring about others.  Thank you for being my bff.

T - Your strength never ceases to amaze me.  All you've been through it's incredible and how you deal with you kids accepting them as little people, it's truly wonderful, never talking down to them but seeing them for the wonderful individuals they are.

Stephy K - My goth mama who always provides me with giggles and entertainment for the week with scabs on her knees and LOL FUN!

Laura - Shits and giggles you are always a ton of fun to be around.  Anna is perfect and the total opposite of my children lmao.  She's polite and so giving and when you guys are around it's always fun.

Lori S - My mother in law you raised a wonderful man in my husband.  Kind hearted, always giving, there whenever we need you, the boys love their GAM GAM and you are truly gifted with animals in a way I've never seen in anyone before.

Being a mom is a great thing.  So I wish all my mommy friends a very happy mothers day and hope you all enjoy the weather, festivities and plans your families have made for you.

Until next year!



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