Today is my son's birthday. GB (Gamerboy) is turning eleven and I cannot believe how much we've been through together and how much he's changed over the years. He is all grown up now but he's still my baby and although I can no longer just hold him in my arms and cradle him. I have cherished every single moment I have gotten to spend with him being his mother. So much so that I've complied a list of things we've done, seen and moments I have cherished over the past eleven years. One for each year he is.
1.) The first moment I held you in my arms was the most wonderful present ever. It was on Mother's Day and you were so beautiful. You were my first child and I felt so blessed.
2.) Turning two was fun. You were so smiley. You got into everything. You especially loved playing with pasta and used to spill it all over the floor or pour it into my pots and bring it to me for breakfast.
3.) At three you loved firemen and firetrucks. You would wear a fireman's costume everywhere we went and tell people you were ready to fight the flames. You were also adamant on finding me a husband but he had to be a firefighter. You wanted to live at the firehouse with your new daddy. You always spoke how you felt.
4.) At four you slowly started becoming my little man. Always helpful and polite. We would lay in bed and talk about stuff, how you felt, what you worried about. We met FD (forgetful dad) on this year and you welcomed him with open arms. The night he proposed to me you yelled from your bedroom for me to say "YES!" making us laugh. Gosh you loved him!
5.) Ahhhhhhhhh five, the year you started kindergarten. What a true joy! You loved being a big boy and going to school. We would walk there together or sometimes you'd walk with FD whom you now call dad. You do newspapers with your Aunt Dorie and spend time making us laugh but you constantly ask for a little brother or sister. FD and I got married this year and you gave me away with tears in your eyes as he not only married me but you as well, taking you as his son.
6.) Six was fun. This was the year you went through a lot with "he who should not be named" and it's the year we lost the baby which you took to heart and thought it was your fault. It's also the year you started talking back a bit, something you've never done before. I still love you more than I did the first day I ever laid eyes on you and I love who you are turning out to be. When I cry you hug me and tell me "Mom I'm not your tissue..." You love playing soccer and love having your dad coach you.
7.) Grand seven. We had a camp out for your birthday and you loved it, all your friends in tents in our living room sleeping under the stars. It's also the year you got your wish. You baby brother was born and you instantly fell in love with him. You were so excited to be a big brother and wanted to show him off to everyone. It's also the year we moved to Abbey leaving all the bad memories behind us.
8.) Our first at the co-op and we had an adventure themed circus birthday party for you at the hall. We did a fishing game, water guns, bean bag toss and you had a blast! You started a new school and made new friends. You had some ups and downs in dealing with the fact your brother had special needs and wouldn't walk. It was hard on your but you remained true to form, always snug a bugging with me and talking to me about what you felt and what was going on in your life. You never ceased to amaze me.
9.) The big nine. You sprouted this year and grew several inches and you are almost as tall as me, five feet. You are wearing size 7 shoes and have learned the art of sarcasm from me, it's lovely but sometimes you cross the line. You have struggled a bit in school but still try your hardest and you are an amazing big brother. You are loved by all your friends and family and enjoy your life so much more than you ever have before.
10.) Ten. You are ten. So many changes. You got your wish and have finally started playing hockey this year as a goalie! You are good, really good and I hold my breath each time I watch you make a save. You look so grown up. We've covered all the topics, sex, girls, condoms, drugs. It never surprises me the questions you ask me. Nor does it surprise me that you still reach for my hand when we go for a walk and tell me how much you love me. God how I cherish you.
Happy Birthday honey it's here. The big 11 and you have changed a lot and yet not really. You are over five feet tall now, registered for your second year in goal to play hockey and are loving it. You've made so many new friends and they labeled you the "one who always encourages others." The other day a friend gave you ten dollars and you bought your brother a slurpee and then while heading out of the store you walked over to the homeless man, the one we always see and you put your five dollars change in his hand. It made me so proud to see you pay it forward.
You are an amazing kid -- growing into a young man that both your dad and I are so proud of. You are still struggling in school but we are working on it. You always try to make me laugh. You help out at home and you try your hardest at everything you do.I love you
I want you to know what a gift it has been being here to watch you grow and I look forward to the next eleven years with you. I love both you and your brother but you hold a special place in my heart as my baby, my first. You still hug me and love me each and every day you get up and you've shown us great responsibility in learning to cook, take care of yourself, cleaning your room and trying to do your homework on time.
My gift
My angel
My son...
Love MOM
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