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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SMART love of learning absolutely fantastic!

I am totally excited to be invited by Mom Central to be a part of the SMART love of learning blog tour.  The SMART board or MAGIC board as many kids are calling it is being used Canada wide in school as an interactive teaching aid that goes beyond anything we've ever seen before, introducing kids to endless possibilities and ways to learn unlike anything they have ever experienced.

It looks like an ordinary white board that you can write on but it's much much more than that and when you turn it on, plug in the software, it comes to life in a way that will astound your kids and help teachers teach more effectively through visual training.

Take a look

SMART interactive white board has a Facebook page.  Join now to read what other parents and educators are saying about this amazing technology.  And while you are there you can enter for a chance to win your child's classroom or teacher their very own SMART board!  How cool is that?  You can also view more videos HERE.

I would love to win a SMART board for PB's preschool teacher Mrs. Marilyn.  Pickleboy goes to preschool two days a week and will be going five days starting this September.  His teacher, a gentle English speaking, bubbly and fun is a wonderful person.

We were afraid at first of PB even going to preschool because of his Cerebral Palsy, but Mrs. Marilyn and her staff at Yorkdale - a fine arts preschool for kids with special needs helped us with the support and love she showed our son from his first day and onwards, creating a magical teaching environment filled with colors, learning potential that goes beyond the classroom and genuine care she gives to her children teaching them as individuals, each one of them special not special needs.  We love her for it.

Mrs. Marilyn is definitely a SMART teacher and deserves a SMART board for her classes.  As a parent I can also get involved through the SMART site because they have a Parents toolkit that shows you how to do fundraising to get your child or your child's school their very SMART board.

Disclosure: This post is part of Mom Central Canada as a part of the SMART love of learning blog tour and for my participation I will receive a $20 Amazon gift card.



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