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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

a kiss of heaven with Touch'd

After a long hard day one of the things I look forward to most is having a bath, BY MYSELF!  If you are a mom of a toddler then you know that sneaking in quiet alone bath time is not always easy.  PB loves the tub and could spend hours in it if we let him.  So mama usually never gets to unwind and just relax.

Well I had a chance last night and boy oh boy was I grateful.  Not just for the bath but also because I was given an opportunity to review a product (The Sugar Scrub) from a new line of beauty products from Touch'd, and let me tell you.  When I heard the logo...

Okay I've never had a product ever make me feel sexy.  Until now.  The tropical scented sugar scrub I used was absolutely fantastic!  I used it on my feet because they are very dry and calloused since I don't wear socks.  But make sure if you use it you put a cloth down because the natural oils can be a bit slippery.  FD laughed at me as I slid across our hardwood on my way to get a drink after my very relaxing bath.

The way my skin felt after the bath was incredible.  My skin just soaked up the moisture the scrub provided and felt amazing.  I also tested it on my legs after shaving them.  I mean put anything on your legs after you shave and especially and exfoliant and usually you are screaming in horror.  But not with the sugar scrub.  My legs were left feeling as if they'd waxed and that's a great feeling.

"The sugar scrub exfoliates the top layer of unwanted dead skin cells and opens the pores allowing the skin to breathe, stimulating your skin, improving circulation and added much needed moisture and vitamins, leaving your skin feeling smooth silky as if you just left the spa."

Top 5 Reasons I think the Tropical Sugar Scrub is awesome!

1.) It smells divine.  I wanted to eat the darn jar the moment I popped it out of the envelope.  It has hints of coconut and fruit that just smell so intoxicating you actually feel  you are in paradise somewhere.  I had it on my counter and everyone kept saying how nice my bathroom smelled lol.  That was just from the jar!
2.) The ex-foliating scrub granules really work!  My feet were very dry and after felt very smooth and silky.  In fact my skin two days later felt great all over.
3.) It's not expensive.  Now that's a bonus.  The Sugar Scrub is only $36.00 and you can order it right online from the website.
4.) There are a variety of scents available like Cucumber Melon & Warm Vanilla just to name a few.
5.) Unscented versions are available for those who have sensitive skin.
Touch'd is set to launch very soon and I'm so glad I was given an opportunity to be a part of this amazing line of products thanks to Rachel Ferrucci who created everything herself at home in her own bathtub.  In fact for Rachel it all started when she was trying to find an all natural cure for her daughter's eczema, instead of a prescription medication and she spent 8 years doing top research to find products to suit her families needs.

Notice the red lips on the jar?  Here is a cute story from Rachel's Files...

"Family is very important to me and I was told by my mom to (seal everything with a kiss).  My mom signs every single card with a lipstick print of her lips.  So I asked mom to get the lipstick on good and thick  and start kissing pieces of paper until we found the perfect set of lips......... Touch'd was now sealed with a kiss!"

How to Purchase?

Touch'd has some incredible products aside from my fav "The Sugar Scrub" so make sure you go by and check them out to order yours today to try.  To purchase something visit



WHEN YOU CHECK OUT PUT IN Code- Rants (case sensitive) FOR YOUR 25% off

Want to connect with Rachel?  You can at the following...

On Twitter @Touchd with the hashtag #touchd

Disclosure: I was sent the tropical sugar scrub to review.  All opinions my opinions are an honest reflection of how I view the product based on my own testing.

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