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Thursday, March 19, 2009

natasha richardson died?

There's a question mark in the title because when I saw it on the news I almost fell over with sadness. Natasha Jane Richardson or (Tasha) to friends and family, actress in Hollywood, mother to her children and wife to actor (Liam Neeson) passed away suddenly on Wednesday March, 18th, 2009 after a fatal ski accident that sadly put the British born actress in a New York hospital with a severe brain injury to which she sadly never recovered from.

Richardson had an amazing career to which I followed. She starred in such roles as (Patty Hearst, Gothic, Nell with her husband Liam Neeson, The Parent Trap with Dennis Quaid, Blow Dry, Maid in Manhatten and The Handmaid's Tale).

Richardson comes from a long dynasty of Hollywood actors, directors and producers. Her father (Tony Richardson) actor, writer and director had a very long career and her mother is none other than Vanessa Redgrave (whom I love!) as well as sister (Joley Richardson.)

The actress was in Montreal, Canada after the accident in a hospital there when doctors claimed that her condition was critical. It was then her husband (Neeson) made the decision to move his beloved wife to the hospital in New York, so she could be closer to her friends and family. On Wednesday she was removed from life support where she died a few hours later due to her injuries.

I can't even imagine how devastated the family is, and my thoughts and prayers go out to them. It's sad because a brain injury can happen just like that. It makes me think of my husband who survived his after being in a coma for 18 days. I think what would have happened. He was so lucky.

Natasha is survived by her mother and sister, husband and their two sons.


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