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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

spring break: fun things to do over the break

So spring break is coming up for the school aged kids. It's a time I look forward to, and one I really enjoy. I know some parents don't because they have to find daycare, sitters and other activities for their child or children to do while they are hard at work during the week. Us, we are lucky.

Both Corey and I get to stay home with the boys.

I love it when Jake is out of school. Most times during the week the time I get to spend with my oldest (very special) boy is limited because of how the schedule goes.

We get up, eat breakfast, make lunch, get ready and off he goes to school. The rest of the day is spent running errands, visiting doctors for Trace, occupational appointments or just having playtime at home with Trace.

Three o'clock rolls around and Jake is home. He does his homework and then he's out the door to play hockey with the boys outside or play in the backyard with Trace who waits impatiently all day for his brother to come home so they can have some one on one time. Dinner is made, we eat, spend time reading and before I know it, it's off to bed.

I love Holidays!

I love snuggling with Jake because we get to camp outs at night downstairs on the pull out. Trace, him and I stay up and watch Transformers or Star Wars, eating popcorn and laughing. We wake up late, eat pancakes and plan our day as a family without boundaries or schedules.

I think I look more forward to the holidays than the kids do. Just getting to spend that extra time with the kids (all of us together) as a family makes me feel incredible.

There is always fun things to do as well. Look online in your local community to see any events taking place over the holidays.

You will come across links you never even thought of. Like taking the kids to a fish hatchery nearby so they can learn a thing or two about our eco-system. Science World and the zoo, the aquarium, different parks and playgrounds, museums, corn mazes, farms to pick apples and more.

Family Fun Links For the Greater Vancouver Area


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