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Sunday, April 12, 2009

i have a big ouch

My arm is healing now. To update, I woke up last week and couldn't move it. It was bloody awful. I mean I couldn't even wipe my own A^& if you know what I mean.

We take for grated the things we have, like a second arm or hand we don't use. I never realized how little I use my left hand and how useless it actually is.

The pain medication I'm on is working at least, so far. I can now reach above my head, not that it matters since everything is above my head and I need a chair to stand on to get anything anyhow. But I can move it.

I think the hardest part suffering with the tear to my rota-tor cuff in my shoulder was not being able to hold pickle-boy. He didn't understand why I couldn't pick him up or hold him. That was really hard.

I just hope the doctor sends me for ex-rays tomorrow when I see him. Lately he's done nothing to help me when I go and see him and it's been very frustrating.

Oh well--we will see how it all goes.


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