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Saturday, April 4, 2009

no joy lost over american idol

Okay so I'm posting this late. I'm always late it's something you will learn about me as you go. It's not that I don't know what time it is or that I don't care, because I really do.

It's that it's been a very busy week emotionally around here at the Shaw house, between blogging and the kids, trying to sleep, getting pickle-boy to sleep in his own damn bed. Finding time to blog is really difficult.

So I will start by saying (there was NO JOY) lost by me on Wednesday night when Ryan announced Megan would be going home. In fact, I could barely contain myself when her name was announced.

I will admit though it was awful when Simon was really (really) mean about not saving Megan. Okay moment over, now I'm glad the bitch is gone.

Again it's something I lost no joy over. Which is a good thing considering how little I've liked Megan throughout the competition.

Megan sang "turn the lights down low" by Bob Marley. Let me tell you... oh Christ please let me tell it was like listening to a cat caught in a drain hole clinging for its life! Okay actually worse than that but my descriptive brain is frizzled and that's all I could come up with, live with it.

I don't know what is it to tell you honestly. I just don't like her voice. I don't know her as a person enough to say she isn't decent, kind, a good mother and caring. So I will steer clear of all those things. But seeing as how this is a singing competition and based on that. Megan should have gone home sooner.

Sorry Meg. Your voice just isn't great.

As for the rest of the them. I thought (personally) since my opinion is the only one being expressed here, that Adam, Kris and Danny had the best performances of the night.

Adam sang "play that funky music" in such a unique way; it caused tingles to race down my spine. And Danny hit the notes with "what hurts the most" by Rascal Flatts whom are one of my favorite country artists.

He was awesome.

But it was Kris who kicked ass I think and stole the show this Tuesday. Playing the piano, sitting comfortably in a pair of jeans and t-shirt, singing his heart out. I absolutely loved him! Kris sang "ain't no sunshine" taking the old classic to new levels with his soul filled voice that sent goosebumps running all over me. If he cut that single I would buy it, that's how much I loved it.

This week will be interesting. It's the second time Allison has been in the dreaded chair and ended up safe, but I'm sure her days are slowing going to be numbered. And that guy, don't remember his name but he keeps trying to be like Kris, Adam and Danny instead of himself and the judges don't like him. Yeah him, he will see his days numbered soon as well.

Till next week.


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