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Friday, June 19, 2009

friday frustrations: dr. phil the return of jeremy

Ahhh TGIF everyone!

So yeah I'm hanging out at home today, after going to Jay's Sports Day at school. I'm feeling good about things, luving my boys and enjoying the day despite the drizzle that seems to be looming around us.

We don't often watch afternoon television, and especially not Dr. Phil, at least not anymore as I'm always busy on Twitter or here.

But I saw he was having on Jeremy and I remembered this story from a few years back about a little girl named Kaylee (his daughter) accused him of molesting her and hurting her.

Now Jeremy denied all allegations and still to this day denies them, despite failing a polygraph test which clearly identifies him as a pedophile and states he is lying.

So Dr. Phil did a recap on what has happened in the past two years since the story first broke. And Jeremy was arrested! They found child porn on his computer and the judge gave him like 180 days in jail, 500 community hours of service and like 200 days on house arrest. He also has to register as a sex offender and is not allowed to be around any children under the age of seventeen.

This frustrated me. Not because I wasn't happy that at least some justice was served. I just DON'T get IT! I don't get how someone can hurt their child or any child in such a malicious, disgusting and perverse manner. I don't get it.

When I was younger, like five. I was molested by our babysitter. He forced me to perform fallacio on him, pull down my pants and I'm sure other things to which thank God my memory blocked out.

Now it really messed me up for a very long time. When I hit puberty I had a very hard time with anger issues, boys and my feelings of depression. My parents tried hard to get me help but I refused to talk about it I guess; I'd suppressed the memories so deeply I thought mentally there was something wrong with me. And this lasted well into the first several years of my long term relationship with Jay's father.

It strikes me so that anyone could harm a child this way, let alone have sex with them. I mean it's not like a child can or will get anything out of the experience except for torture, pain and years of heartache.

Kaylee is apparently doing so much better now that her father is out of the picture says mom Kirsta who has her daughter seeing a psychologist to help her through this nightmare her father apparently put her through.

If you participate in Friday Frustrations head over to Conversations with Mom and post yours there and don't forget to leave me a comment with your link as well.


Maria@CWMs on June 21, 2009 at 4:55 AM said...

I think child molestors are one of the worst scums in society.

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