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Thursday, June 25, 2009

michael jackson dead at 50

Breaking news: Michael Jackson died this afternoon inside his Holmby Hills home he rented, just a short distance from the UCLA Medical Center. He died of cardiac arrest according to a spokesperson for UCLA.

He was only 50 years old and it's very sad indeed this pop icon whose popularity in the 1980's took the world by storm passed away today.

Jackson, a bit of character known to media and fans was no stranger when it came to being on the wrong side of the media.

Dangling his baby outside a window, an array of apparent mental problems, financial struggles and child molestation allegations charged against him toward the children he shared his home with. Jackson was still a superstar!
Cover of "Thriller"Cover of Thriller

Michael Joseph Jackson was born August 29, 1958 and will always be remembered as a part of the Jackson Five (his family musical group) singing ABC when he was just a boy of eleven.

He was the KING OF POP and his albums grossed millions, topping the record charts with each that passed during his solo career which began in 1971.

My favorite album of his was Thriller (1982) when he showcased all his moves that used to cause me to scream out his name. I saw the Jackson's in concert and they were amazing! Bad (1987) Dangerous (1991) were among some of the best selling albums for each year.

Michael was one of the first African American performers to hit it big with Music Videos as well, such as Beat it and Billy Jean. Michael paved the way for other artists in using videos as a promotional industry tool to help push their popularity forward.

Some of Jackson's achievements include:

* One of the few inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame (twice)
* Guinness World Records - most successful entertainer of the year
* 13 Grammy Awards
* 13 Number one singles

Michael leaves behind 3 children and it's said his sister Latoya was in tears after learning of his passing when she reached the hospital. They worked to revive him but it was already too late.

In Memory of Michael Jackson Aug 29, 1958 - June 25 2009

Watch Thriller 25th Anniversary Here

Watch the Thriller Video Here on Youtube

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