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Monday, June 22, 2009

monday mumbers: camping checklist

It's Monday which means it's Mumbers time. Yep that is where I blog about a topic and numbers or mumbers on my brain.

This week I'm focused on camping because we are taking our boys (all three) my stepson included camping to Prince George, Barkerville in Quesnel and all down through Kamloops and Kelowna back home again.

It's the first time for us going as a full family. We've never had Colton overnight, let alone for a family vacation. I'm so excited!

Colton is turning seven this August and he's apparently just as excited as we are to spend time with his brothers, especially Jay who can't wait to see him.

It will be nice for Corky to spend some time with his son, and I will hopefully have a camera by then so I can capture the trip and scrapbook it for Corky to help him remember the good times we had together as his memory isn't doing so well these days.

22 pairs of socks we need to bring, since boys love to get their feet wet in creeks and streams.

87 bags of marshmellows to roast in front of the campfire. Who doesn't love roasting marshmellows?

6 extra blankets since it gets very cold at night when camping and although I don't mind being cold, the boys really hate it.

345 cans of bug spray because I'm allergic to mosquitos and so is pickleboy, I swell up like a balloon.

150 DVD's to bring to keep the boys busy watching movies at night if it happens to rain and we are stuck in the tent.

104,567,987 time outs I believe I will be giving to pickleboy if he doesn't start listening. You MUST listen when camping wild man!

4 bottles of spray on sunscreen since both pickleboy and DH are the whitest boys you've ever seen (translucent skin) and burn under 2 seconds if not covered properly.

567,876,945 pictures I will be taking of our trip provided I can either win or somehow scrape enough money together to buy a camera to help us enjoy the memories we are going to make.

1 fun filled and so excited I can't wait week we will be spending together as a family!

Visit Good Enough Mum for more Monday Mumber action.


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