I hate doing the dishes. I am the dishwasher but hubby and I try hard to take turns. We play rock, paper, scissors to see who can win and the loser has to do the dishes. I usually lose.
Laundry. We have so much laundry that you would think I have girls and not all boys with the amount of times they change their clothes per day. It's insane! I have begun showing Gamerboy (he's 10) how to work the washer and dryer. I've also been guilty of throwing out socks just to buy new ones so I don't have to wash them. Mind you the socks have no matches because the dryer always eats them lol.
Toilet Tales. I hate cleaning the bathtub and toilet. I once paid my neighbor ten bucks to clean out my tub. I have no arms and legs - okay I have them but they aren't very extendable and so reaching into the tub kills my body and takes me forever. I love the invention of the portable shower head cleaner. It was made for people like me who hate cleaning the tub.
Cleaning out the kitty litter. I trade off back rubs or allow hubby to watch an extra sporting event in exchange for him cleaning out the catsshitbox. It smells and it's gross and I can't handle the stuff.
What chores do you really hate? Share them with me.
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