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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

blogging with blogpress

The search for good blog apps for my iPod continues and today I am using Blogpress lite.

You can add a pic from your iPod which is prolly so much easier if u have an iPhone since there is a camera integrated on it, overall though it is easy to use and I like it.

There is a paid version which has more features. You can read more about this application at the iTunes app store

So far there is no way to add my labels or links which sucks though in the paid version I am sure there is a way.  So my label was added manually through my computer using blogger which kind of defeats the purpose of me having an ipod to blog.

What I hate is paying 200 bucks for an iPod with no camera and all the apps I need are not free and the ones that are free are not great.  Some of them are cool but some are just okay.

You also need a credit card to register an iTunes account which I don't have but I believe there are ways around this.  They also don't accept prepaid mastercards which to me is just stupid.  I could see needing a real card to register but after to buy applications, a prepaid card should be enough.  Or even have an itunes card for apps for crying out loud, not just games, tv shows and music.

Overall this little gizmo is sweet but I'm not convinced yet it's worth the money.  I know ... I know.  Still nowadays in a family that struggles every day to make ends meat - $200 bucks is gold!  So improvements to me should be made.  My jury is still out on this little slice of life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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