The Abbotsford News called me this morning. Must have had something to do with the fact that I emailed them yesterday because of my level of frustration concerning getting our youngest son, Pickleboy who is three and half vaccinated due to the fact that he has Cerebral Palsy and his immune system put him in the compromised category and the lack of effort given to us by the Valley.
So there we were, sitting on the sofa, PB playing with his transformers while the photographer shot some photos of us. I also had to talk about what we'd been through in trying to get PB vaccinated and the run around we'd been given.
According to the Fraser Health Authority, BC's Flu website and other various sites by our government supposedly chalk filled with false information on just when the H1N1 vaccination clinics will be up and running and who should be getting the shot now.
Those who are 65 and under with compromised immune systems should have been given the shot this week, starting October 26th, meaning our son. However when we tried to get him done, we got nothing but the run around and told to call so many different departments it made my head spin, who all gave us the same information. Only those 65 and under with chronic health conditions are being vaccinated.
Okay so is that 65 to 64???? Or does 65 and under really mean 65 and under? I am a bit confused, as is the rest of the Fraser Valley who swept out to get their shots and were told the same thing we were. Clinics for the public are suppose to be open next week, that includes children ages 2 - 6 and upward.
PB finally did get his vaccination and I guess he wasn't impressed because he moved when the doctor stuck him and the needle scratched his arm. The doctor had to poke him again. He has to go back in 21 days for his second dose, if there is any left.
Suddenly all the vaccinations for all Canadian's campaign has become we uhhhh have or will maybe run out before clinics are set up next week. So what does that mean? Was this all just a test? Vaccine the first several thousand see what happens?
As a parent it's scary thinking you could watch your child die in front of you because of a cough and few aches and pains. But it is equally scary being a given a vaccine that hasn't quite been tested thoroughly. Either way I feel screwed, but due to PB's health concerns we made what we feel was the right choice for him.
What is stupid is how long it took us to actually get treatment for him. But it's government so I should not have expected anything less. Much of the info circulating here in the Fraser Valley is sketchy. Some walk in clinics have the vaccine. Some doctors have it as well, like my parents. They received their shots yesterday. Our doctor however did not have the vaccine to give to our son.
It's a big mess if you ask me. The disorganization in letting the public know who and when can have the shots and mostly where to get them. It's pathetic, especially when the Fraser Health Region was hit the hardest with this second wave of flu, with I believe 9 deaths in total so far.
It will be interesting to see how things unfold in the next few weeks. All I know is that they better have my son's second shot in 21 days or there will be hell to pay! If they don't, his first shot won't matter then and that as a parent is unacceptable to me, especially when I have another child who also needs the H1N1 vaccine but so far has to be sidelined until they (our government) gets their shit together.
I agree. I thought the Canadian government bought enough for the whole population. In Quebec, it's not much better. We are only at the Health Care workers and haven't even started vaccinated those at most risk yet.
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