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Saturday, October 10, 2009

three simple tasks to make dinner ready in a flash!

With life so hectic for most of us; taking the kids to school, going to work, paying bills.  It's not easy to keep up on one of the most important things for your family - supper time.

When I was a kid, supper included watching my parents (when dad was home) cooking together.  They prepared meals and we sat down and discussed our day with one another.

Nowadays things aren't quite so easy, especially if you are always on the go.  But preparing meals can be simple, creative and fun!  Preparing meals quickly without too much effort is something every parent dreams about when that dinner bells chimes.

So here are a three tips to help you get started.

1.) Pick a day ( a few hours) on a Saturday or Sunday and have a cook-off.  My kids love this!  Involve the family and choose meals to prepare that you can freeze for later to pull out and use while you are limited for time.  (Lasagna, Spaghetti, Meatloaf, Stuffed Chicken, Perogies, French Fries and more...  Spend the day cooking up a storm, grab those freezer bags and ziplock your meals for future readiness.

2.) Crockpots are wonderful!  This one appliance in your kitchen is one of the best you will ever use.  Any appliance that allows you to create simple and creative meals without having to sit and watch the clock or the stove and will be ready as you plan.  Now that is great!  Prepare the food, throw it in, set the time and wala!  You're done.

3.) is one of my favorite websites online.  If you are looking for simple recipes that will list for you all the ingredients you need, the prep time (under fifteen minutes) with a variety of dishes to choose from.  Well you just can't go wrong!

Now originally I wanted to enter this post into a sweepstakes to win a free Samsung fridge, which let's face it every woman would love to have.  But alas I do not live in the US which is where most of these contests take place.

However, I am a firm believer that any advice to help others is great advice.  So I posted anyhow.  Hope you enjoy and these three simple tasks can help you improve making dinners in a flash a little easier for everyone in your household.

Have a great day!


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