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Monday, November 23, 2009

12 year old max battles cancer and wants a laptop

I often get things sent to me via my email.  This came in today via AMHA (Abbotsford Minor Hockey Association) to which our ten year old (Gamerboy) is a part of.

I was touched by this email and had to share this story with you:  PLEASE READ!


I am deeply touched by a little guy's fight for his life. Max turned 12 in the Summer of 2009. He has battled cancer too much of his young life. His cancer went into an aggressive and swift relapse and he now has a large fight ahead of him. Max has been in and out of the hospital a fair bit. Every time Max gets a round of Chemotherapy, he has to spend a week in the hospital. They have found him a bone marrow match and he will be in the hospital on Dec. 10th in isolation for at least 2 months. He passes time at home more quickly by watching You Tube Videos, playing games, and video calls to people who cannot come and visit. When he goes to the hospital, he will need a much more portable way to pass his time.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I rarely ask for anything for myself; my interests are what's best for kids.

Both Ferndale and Mission Institutions will be collecting staff donations to purchase Max a laptop capable of gaming and video calling. I have stepped forward to try to get more bang for our buck. If you can or if you know of a person or company who can help, please forward this email to them. We understand that times are tough, but, we are not asking for a hand out.

Here is my proposal:

1.   Match our money raised dollar for dollar, so that we can get Max the best possible laptop; or
2.   Allow us to purchase a laptop at a really good discount; or
3    Allow us to purchase a laptop, capable of doing what is required, at cost

For everyone, please donate blood if you can and remember how precious family is and live each day to the fullest.

Thank you for any help you can be in this regard.

Sam Stone -
CORCAN Textiles
Production Supervisor
Phone: Ferndale-604-820-5799

Please read some excerpts from letters from his parents:

Sept. 2, 2009
This is an email I have been dreading to send to you for the past 12 days...
With Max's cancer's aggressive and swift relapse, and, in light of the treatment that he has already undertaken, our oncologist has told us "that our backs are now against the wall in saving Max's life". We have been advised that if, at any time, we want to cease trying to save Max, we just need to let her know. Of course, we are going to continue the battle...Max is obviously aware that he has cancer again and is more than willing to battle on with more treatment. However, he does not know how dire his situation is, nor does his sister...
Enough of the bad, on to what is good. Max has recently grown quite a bit taller and his hair came in great (although it will be leaving us again!)...Just remember, game-face.

Oct. 18, 2009
...The lump has shrunk from the size of an egg to less than a small pea, but, we need to make sure that it all goes away. We also need to make sure that the spots on his lungs are completely eradicated.
Max's doctor has arranged for a Bone Marrow Transplant. Once he has received all the chemotherapy and radiation he needs, Max will need a transplant of stem cells to reboot his immune system...So, over the next few months, Max will likely be spending a fair bit of time in the hospital. When he gets the transplant, Max will likely spend two months in isolation while his immune system rebuilds.
During his latest series of chemotherapy treatments, Max has required several blood transfusions of platelets and hemoglobin. His immune system has been repeatedly depleted and he has functioned fairly well for someone with no white blood cells...
For now, Max is at home and doing well. He is in good spirits and feeling strong. We are just waiting for his immune system to get strong enough so that he can withstand more treatments. It's a very difficult balance to maintain. The cancer treatments have very dramatic (life-threatening) side effects, but delaying treatments reduces their ability to eradicate the cancer. The doctors are very please with how well Max has been able to withstand the treatments. Most adults would never survive waht he has been through so far...Max is an incredible kid. He has taken all this in stride and never once has he complained...
Life has dealt us enough lemons to go into the wholesale lemonade business, but we're making the best of each and every day.Just like we always do, we will make today the very best it can be.

Nov. 20, 2009
Max is now schedule to be back in the hospital on the 10th of December. He will be there for at least two months Recovery time is several months after that. The good side of this is that it has a good chance of curing his cancer, the down side id that this will be one hell of a tough ride for Max and the odds are against him...The donor is a good match (10 out of 10), so we couldn't ask for any better...Max is very strong (mentally and emotionally) and has a very positive attitude...Max has asked for a new laptop computer for Christmas, which will come in handy.
Our family who deals with special needs and disabilities knows what it is like to struggle and wish for things to make life easier.  This boy needs some help.  He is fighting the fight of his life and all he wants is what we all have, a computer to communicate with friends and family and maybe even blog about his struggles to help others deal with what he himself is going through.

Please take the time to show your support.  I know his family will appreciate it.  Even if you donate two bucks, it's more than nothing.

God Bless!



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