Well in the past few months it's been all over twitter about how Miley left abruptly reportedly due to her now boyfriend Liam Hemsworth, an Australian actor she met on the set of a new movie "Last Song". Liam doesn't have a twitter account and apparently says she shouldn't have one either, then poof! Miley's account was gone.
As far as celebrity gossip goes this gets better. Watch the video below (rap) by a country star done badly by Miley to explain why she left twitter. Grab a bowl so you can puke while you watch.
I seriously have to say I'm disgusted with her. Yes, she's young. Yes I can understand wanting your privacy. But you don't piss on the people who brought you to stardom! You just don't. And by her saying it's a waste of time telling people what she is doing, she's saying in a not so nice way for everyone who followed her on twitter to get a life!
Miley wrote this: "Twitter is not the only thing I am cutting back on. This is not an attack against this particular site, I just think kids all over the world could maybe take a little vacation from Cyberspace. My problem with the internet is it makes negativity so available. It allows people to anonymously hurt others without any consequences. That is not the real world. Not only that, but if we spent more time enjoying what we are doing besides tweeting about it, we would enjoy our lives a whole lot more. I have very little free time and the moments that I do have I should be spending with my family and friends and loving every minute of their company," she wrote.
Not nice little girl!
My problem with this isn't that the young diva doesn't deserve her privacy. I mean if you've ever used twitter it can be used for negative things. However, that being said. I don't think Miley handled herself well and this will come back on her.
Ellen has a twitter account. Oprah has a twitter account. Many... many stars have one. They don't post all day and they don't post what they don't want others knowing. Oprah and Ellen mainly use their tweets to connect to their audience, give out show time info and help those without tv's stay on top of what's going on their lives on a business level, and sometime (what they deem appropriate) their private lives as well.
Miley did not have to delete her account and screw her fans over.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that her now boyfriend Liam Hemsworth wasn't hers to begin with and when it hits everywhere, which it already has how Miley stole him from his five year relationship she didn't want to read the negative reactions her fans would have stated on twitter about her choices. Read more on this here.
A movie star chooses to be such. They choose to live in the lime light, promote their work and as a down side have to deal with the negative impact of tabloids, fan reactions and so forth. I mean they don't have to live that way.
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill two of my favorite country singers are married and have kids. Yet you rarely hear any gossip on their lives because they have learned how to stay out of the limelight, keep their heads down and be normal.
Miley did not, and used her fans to lead her to the top. Now that she's there she just up and decides they are stupid and she's stupid for sharing information that got her to where she is in the first place.
It could have been handled better. Even Dad Billy Ray asked her not to leave saying nothing should stand in her way. Read here.
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