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Friday, June 4, 2010

where do you want to go this summer?

It's the month of June and summer is just a hop, skip and jump away.  My family loves the summertime.  I do especially because crazy as it sounds, my kids are out of school and I look forward to the time I get to spend with them.

Each summer we always talk about what we are going to do.  We lie in bed - all four of us.  Daddy, PB, Gamer and myself and we map out where in the world we'd like to visit and why.  Here is what came up.

FD (Forgetful Dad) said: The island or Prince George.  He's always had a soft spot for Victoria and has family over there.  A couple years back we visited and I have to admit, I found Victoria to be quite beautiful with it's ocean landscape, nature and trees.  He also said Prince George because that is where his parents are and we don't get to see them very often.

Gamer said: Africa or Australia because there are weird creatures that live there (non human) I'm assuming and he says he wants to see them and study them.  He wants a notebook so he can track the things he's seen and share it with his friends.  He wants to go to Aussie land most because there are more scary animals there, carnivores he calls them hahaha like CROCS and he wants to see them up close.  We are getting him therapy starting Monday.

PB said: He wants to go to shark place (not sure where that is) and somewhere he can see a T-rex.  I think he might be disappointed if I take him to the museum and they are bones and don't growl.  But I will take my chances.

I would love to go to Disneyland.  I have been there before back when I was just a girl eons ago and I still remember everything.  The sites, sounds and laughter that comes from sharing such a unique and fun experience where no matter what your age you get to be a kid again.  Plus I have a thing for Donald Duck.  Don't tell my hubby.  I think this summer or next we will look for some outstanding Disney World Packages that offer maybe a cruise or some hotels that are cool to stay at where the kids would have a blast.

No matter what we do this summer, which most likely will just be finishing the reno's on our backyard and some local camping and visits to Vancouver to see some sites.  It's always fun to imagine where you would go if you could.

So tell me.  Where do you want to go this summer?



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